Goodness Gravel

Orange Event Information

Prices for entry : LONG $145 / MIDDLE $105 / SMALL $80 (some events)

Your Entry Includes:

  • goodness bag - sustainable rider plate, event buffdraw string bag and ride nutrition

  • catered rest stop(s) - varies for SMALL

  • bag drop to rest stop - varies for SMALL

  • support : mechanical / medical / sweep

  • live music

  • post ride sausage sizzle / vegan option and drink by a local Charity

  • finishers pin when riders arrive back to the Village post their ride

  • + $25 for an event t-shirt - optional

Bookings will close 48 hours before the event


Each entry will be put in to a hat and lucky rider prizes will be announced on the day

The Panaracer Plate is a major prize coming from:

  • SCV who donate $500 to be used on a Bombtrack, Apidura Bags or Panaracer Tires

Thank you to our great sponsors for  Gundy / Glen Innes / Orange / Parkes

BOOK Today

Riders will register by their Last Name, NOT by Rider Plate Number. 

It helps to have remembered your Rider Numbers (for life) but it is not mandatory:)

Each rider will have received your Rider Number via email after you made your booking.  

We will be hosting EARLY Rider Registration on the evening before our events.

Early Rider Registration : ONE

DG Cycle Co

Friday 14 March 2025

4:00pm > 5:00pm

110 Summer St Orange NSW 2800 - LINK

DG Cycle Co was started by keen cyclists in 2000, since then Scott and the team have been building the business up into the first-class bike store it is today.

Early Rider Registration : TWO

Badlands Brewery

Friday 14 March 2025

6:00pm > 8:00pm

153 Summer St, Orange NSW 2800

Best to enter from Sale Street Carpark - LINK

Badlands Brewery was established in 2010 by long-time home-brewer, Jon Shiner, who has been executing his passion for brewing ‘dangerously drinkable’ beers ever since.

Event Day Registration

Lake Canobolas

Saturday 15 March 2025

6:45am > 8:25am for 125km & 65km

Address 145 Lake Canobolas Road Nashdale NSW 2800 - LINK

What is available at Event Village : Lake Canobolas :

Start, registration and check-in

Live Music

Coffee & food at Lakeside Kiosk & Cafe

Mechanic : more details below

Bathrooms : wheelchair access at the existing Council Toilets 

Rest Stop Bag Drop : use your goodnessgravel draw string bag 

Rest Stop Bag Collect : Bags will be returned to Lake Canobolas after the Rest Stop is closed, estimated return time to Lake Canobolas ~12:00pm

After Ride Drop Bag : i.e. gear to be left at the start/finish for you to collect when you return 


Post Ride : Riders receive a complimentary sausage sling (vegan option available) and cold drink 

The Event organisers and staff CANNOT be held responsible for any bag which is left or any losses. DO NOT put anything of value in your bag.

Depart Times Lake Canobolas

7:30am : 125km

8:30am : 65km

Return Time Lake Canobolas

  • 1st Return Lake Canobolas : no stopping

65km : 10:40am @ 30 kph // 125km : 11:30am @ 30 kph

  • Last Return Lake Canobolas : no stopping

65km : 12:06pm @ 18 kph // 125km : 2:10pm @ 18 kph

Rest Stops

What is available at the Rest Stops:



Specific to Rest Stop # 1 : Collection station for riders to collect your bag

Bananas and water

Rider nutrition including bars, gels and hydration powder 


The Event organisers and staff CANNOT be held responsible for any bag which is left or any losses. DO NOT put anything of value in your bag.

NOTE : Event Volunteers will be at the Rest Stops for APPROXIMATE times and will CLOSE at those times as they are based on ~18kph.

Mechanic Sweep

Thank you to DG Cycle Co for their support during the event.

There will be mechanical support at DG Cycle Co in Orange on Friday afternoon plus Saturday morning at Lake Canobolas and on course.

They will have track pumps, mechanic stand and basic spares including tubes.

This basic mechanical assistance is free to the goodnessgravel riders.


This vehicle will move at ~18kph.

We will close the course at the stated closing times and there will be NO support offered to riders once the course is closed.

This is for safety and that is its primary purpose. It should NOT be relied on for spares. 

If you are overtaken by the vehicle you will told to return to the start for your own safety.

If you are waiting for this vehicle for support &/or to fix your bike, you may be waiting for a long time and it will be a slow transfer to either the Rest Stop or back to Start/Finish area.

Please also note that there is ONLY so much space and it may not be able to sweep you.

The vehicle may take you to the Rest Stop or bring you back to Lake Canobolas but it is there to bring up the end of the field and take down event signage. It will not deviate away from this focus.

On the Sunday enjoy a Social Pedal and explore more of the glorious Orange 360 Area 

These are open rides and you can depart from wherever you would like and follow any one of the GPX courses ... so leave at any time that suits you

No cost associated - just get out and enjoy

Friday 14 March 2025

Early Registration, more details Under Registration Tab

Saturday 15 March 2025

7:25am : Call for 'fast' riders to enter the start area 

Long : Depart : 7:30am

Short : Depart : 8:30am

Post Ride : Riders receive a complimentary sausage sling (vegan and gluten free option available) and cold drink - at Lake Canobolas

Bring a picnic blanket, your swimmers (yes, you can swim at Lake Canobolas) and reminisce about the ride while listening to some live music around the Event Village

Our strong recommendation is that you keep on pedalling throughout the day. Work on ensuring you return to Lake Canobolas in the shortest possible time. Therefore stopping at the Rest Stop(s) should be limited and your training program, particularly for the 120km riders, is set no less than 18kph.  

Tired on the course?

The sweep vehicle is travelling at a pace to arrive back to Lake Canobolas at 3:00pm when the event has finished. If riders are passed by the sweep, you have the option to continue riding the remainder of the course but will be outside of the event services. 

NOTE : our food and entertainment are scheduled to finish up at Lake Canobolas at 3:00pm.  

BOOK Today


  • There is good reception in Orange and surrounds across all carriers

  • If you are ON on Telstra, on course there is limited mobile reception 

  • For all other providers there is even more limited mobile reception out on course

There will be First Aid available at the start line and also roaming on course

They are NOT support vehicles and will NOT be able to assist with mechanical issues

There is a Medical Emergency Phone Number - riders should save this number on their phone

+61 456 391 460

It is ONLY to be used for medical emergencies

This is NOT a phone number to call if you have had a mechanical!! 

The above number is also on your Ride Plate

Your rider plate is hand-made with love and fully sustainable in cotton and dipped in beeswax. 

After the event, you can actually use your rider plate to cover food instead of using glad wrap!

When registering, you will receive your plate and you put that on your handlebars.

Your rider number : the early bird catches the worm. We assign rider numbers for LIFE.

This means that for ALL future goodnessgravel events you will retain this Unique Number.
Riders will receive their number in the order which they are received.

So the FIRST rider to ever sign up got the #1 plate for LIFE. 

We have been lucky enough to have been associated with bike events for years and this is something that we longed for over the years.

Who is #001? 

Book ASAP to avoid disappointment

Plastic v’s Twine

We really want to try and reduce the amount of plastic we have around the course

We cannot totally eliminate it but there are some things we can do to less our impact

Zip ties are brilliant things but we always find them all over the place once an event is over … so we are giving riders TWINE to lace up their Rider Plate Numbers - it may take you another second but in the long run it’s better for the environment and we thank you

If you want to BYO ties, please feel free to do so

Please do NOT litter - you are riding through some beautilful countryside, let's keep it that way

There will be rubbish bins at the Rest Stops and around the event village

We want these events to be open for all abilities.

If you require specific access, please send us an email - 

When you BOOK you will Tick a Box which states 

'I have read the Event Information and accept the Waiver'.

18 YO : any riders who are UNDER 18 Years Old on the day of the event, they MUST ride with an adult.

  • Orange : $10 from each entry will be donated to local Clubs including Lions, Rotary and RFS

Each entry will be put in to a hat and lucky rider prizes will be announced on the day

With the major prize coming from:

  • SCV who donate $500 to be used on a Bombtrack bike or Panaracer Tires

Thank you to our great sponsors for Gundy / Glen Innes / Orange

For ALL Events 

Bookings for T-Shirts Close THREE weeks before the event

Bookings for the event close 48 hours before the event

The Transfer Deadline is 12:00pm on the Monday before the event

*We highly recommend that you organise your own Third Party Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance

More details on 'Ride or Race / Insurance' tab below

There are a lot of costs associated with events

We have many volunteers who are assisting with the event, we will be using local charities to fill our volunteer quota and we make a donation to local charities for their assistance

These events could not go ahead if we did not have the help from these great people so please say g’day and greet them with a smile.

Payment is taken at the time of your booking via Stripe. You can pay via Apple Pay, Amex, Visa or MasterCard.

We understand that you may want to transfer your INDIVIDUAL entry from the longer course to the shorter course.

This is not a problem and so that we have this information in our system, can you please email us with an update.  

If you want to transfer from the shorter course to the longer course, you will need to email us

The outstanding amount needs to be paid to cover your transfer. This amount will be communicated once we hear from you.

There is no refund when transferring from the long to the short course.

We understand that things come up and you may want to transfer your entry.

There are no refunds, we are happy for YOU to organise a transfer of your entry to another rider. You can do this via our facebook page or through your own network :

facebook : goodnessgravel

We are able to transfer entries - the deadline to do so is 12:00pm on the Monday before each event

Riders can transfer their entries LIKE for LIKE, i.e. a LONG course to another LONG course rider or SHORT course rider to another SHORT course rider, including any t-shirt ordered. It is not possible to transfer a SHORT course entry to a LONG course rider. Please understand this is the case due to our booking system.

Please note that there are some details which need to be received if riders are wanting to cancel/transfer their entry.

We must receive an email from you to which states : 

I ____________ (insert NAME), ____________ (insert EMAIL), ____________ (insert PHONE)

Am transferring my entry to ____________ (insert NAME), ____________ (insert EMAIL), ____________ (insert PHONE).

ALL Events : Any t-shirt orders can be transferred to the new rider IF the same size.

Once we have received your email we will be in touch with the new rider and go from there.

It is up to you to organise the transfer and how you exchange the funds. This is your responsibility.  

Please do NOT contact us until you have found someone to take your entry. 

Groups or Clubs with 5 or more riders attract a 10% discount

Contact us via email and within 24 hours we will create a dedicated code for you and your 'GROUP/CLUB' which you can then use as your 'Event / Group / Club Discount Code'

NOTE : all discounts are turned off 3 weeks before each event as we have to purchase Rider Plates, Buff, Nutrition, Finishers Pin etc

When registering, which is also riders check-in for the event, you will receive:

Ride plate : made from sustainable products 

Draw string bag : goodnessgravel and made from cotton which will include 

Twine : a natural string product to attach your ride plate to your handlebars 

Buff : designed with the goodnessgravel course map : made in Australia 

Other goodies : from our other lovely sponsors 

When you finish riders will receive:

Finishers pin : a thank you for participating in the event and something which is limited and the design will change each year

Complimentary sausage sling (vegan option available) and cold drink


2024 Event T-Shirt Graphic for all events design by Fuel Sydney and like the Finishers pin, the design will change each year

2024 : all goodnessgravel events will have the same image with slightly different text

Event shirt : OPTIONAL : to organise your t-shirt, you will need to select the box when you book. We produce limited edition shirts for each event. 

Deadline for ordering t-shirts is roughly THREE weeks before the event 

If you register the day before the event, you can collect your t-shirt then


To find the Size Guide, look for the hyper link on the RIGHT hand side of the page. You will find it next to (or under) the heading SIZE, near the text blocks ie SML / MED etc. Click the hyper link to bring up the measurements.

Once you have checked the measurements on the links, you can then measure your size by:

  1. Placing a garment that you are comfortable with wearing flat on a table

  2. Measure, in centimetres, from seam to seam, just under the arm. 

This will give you the Body Width (cm) measurement. 

Please note there is a cut off, around three weeks before the event, when event t-shirts must be ordered 

  • When registering riders receive a goodness bag. This is your rider bag which can be taken to a Rest Stop, so long as you put it in the correct place

  • For the Orange event your goodness bag can be taken by our volunteers to REST STOP 1 : ~37km in the Forest 

  • We have TWO options for dropping them off :

    • ONE : Registration on the Friday afternoon or evening

    • TWO : Lake Canobolas by 7:45am on the event day -- so if you are doing the 65km course - you MUST drop it off by 7:45am - please and thank you

  • Your rider bag WILL BE marked with your LAST NAME & RIDER NUMBER

  • We will NOT transport ANY OTHER bags OR ANY  loose food/hydration/clothing WHICH IS NOT in a goodnessgravel rider bag

  • On the event day, after registration, place your bag in the designated area, which will be sign posted. We will transport your rider bag to a Rest Stop where you can collect your bag

    HINT : attach a piece of coloured tape/ribbon around the draw-string so that you can find it easier amongst the other bags!

  • When at the Rest Stop collect your bags & put things in (clothing etc) or take things out (nutrition / clothing etc) 

  • Bags will be returned to the event village once the Rest Stop is closed

  • To confirm, water will be available for riders at the Rest Stop(s)

  • As this is not a race, there should be no panic when at the Rest Stop(s)

  • At the Rest Stops there will be SANITISER 

Riders must be self sufficient, carrying tubes, pump, air canister, multi-tool, chain link, chain breaker, tire plugs and boot (if your tire is slashed). If you do not know how to use the items which are suggested, spend some time on youtube to up-skill. There will be times when you are riding by yourself and it is far better to know how to fix an issue than to wait for support

Please make sure you have your TWO water bottles already filled at the start - we will have water at the rest stops for re-fills

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list : use this list as a guide : LINK

Those items in BOLD are HIGHLY recommended to be carried on you / on your bike

Those items in Italics can be in your rider drop bag to go to the Rest Stop

The Event organisers and staff CANNOT be held responsible for any bag which are left or any losses. DO NOT put anything of value in your bag

Riders should come prepared with bike specific clothing and be prepared for all weather conditions

We Highly Recommended that Riders wear WOOL SOCKS due to water crossings! 

Use our bag drop service if you want to pick up OR drop off gear at the Rest Stop

Keep your eye on the weather and dress accordingly, it may be cold

Please feel free to bring extra clothing which you can leave at the start along one of the fences

Please note, the Event organisers and staff CANNOT be held responsible for any clothing which is left or any losses. DO NOT leave anything of sentimental value at the start line. 


Weather in March : Min 11C > Max 23C : averaging 5 days of rain.

Saturday 15 March 2025 : Sunrise 7:30am / Sunset 7:20pm

Bad Weather -  if the BOM site lists Emergency Warnings of Fire, Heat, Wind, Extreme Cold &/Or Flooding, the event will be either cancelled or the route altered.

If for any reason we have to CANCEL the event due to Bad Weather, all money paid will be used as a CREDIT for the next edition of the event. 

All riders who have registered for the event will have priority registration for that next event. We will give all riders who have registered for that particular event a 7 day window to confirm their spot before we open for bookings to the general public for the next edition of that goodnessgravel event. 

If we do have to CANCEL, we understand that things change. We will allow for all riders to transfer their entries to another rider without penalty. See Transfer Entry TAB on Event Information for more information on transferring entries.

We are a small business and these events take a lot of work to get up and running. We appreciate your understanding and for you support.

Event photos are part of your entry

Your official photographers for the event are from Outer Image 

After the event riders will be emailed a link so you can find images of yourselves from the day - these will be classified under your Rider Plate Number

Once you have found your shot, simply select an image to view and click on the download button above the image

Please help share the love by posting them to your social media and use #goodnessgravel and @goodnessgravel

Past Events 

Bikes : Bring your gravel or e-Gravel ... or ... if you do not have a gravel bike, do the ride on your MTB or e-MTB

See the Surface Tab for more details.

DO NOT bring a road or road-e bike, all courses are NOT suitable any style of road bike, even if they have ‘wide’ tires. Leave them at home!

Tri-bars are not allowed as you will be riding on sections of gravel and it is not safe.

Please make sure that you have had your bike recently serviced and all the components are in good order. You have checked your tires and lubed your chain before you head out on course. 

Tyre Width : the fatter the tyre the more comfortable but slower you will be.

News from SCV Imports who distribute Panaracer tyres :

The Panaracer Gravel King SK (Small-Knobs) 'Plus' Tubeless 43 is SCV's best-selling 650 tyre size whereas the 38 is their ‘go-to’ for 700c wheels.

A 35x650 will leave you with a small rolling diameter and will be less capable on rougher terrains and has less load carrying ability. A 38 will probably feel ‘faster’ while a 43 will feel plush and comfortable. 

Jimmy : goodnessgravel Rider #69 who is a tyre-aficionado and used to work for SCV - ran a 650x48 at goodnessgravel Gundy and Mogo. He felt it was very comfortable but if 'racing' it would be a little too slow/wide while riding with the faster groups. 

So in summary from SCV – if your wheels are 650b, SCV would select 650x43 and for 700c they would choose 700x38. 

The Panaracer Gravel King SK (Small-Knobs) 'Plus' tubeless are “the gravel tyre". They are Panaracer's flagship model and the ones which put Panaracer to the forefront in the Gravel scene. The ‘Plus’ adds a little weight but it offers greater security and worth the weight in their opinion.

The other alternative is the Panaracer Gravel King SS (Semi-Slick): Almost like a wet weather road tyre, designed as more of a “faster race tyre” for hard pack gravel. They are definitely not as stable corning on looser gravel and provide very little grip in the wet.

How Difficult : These rides ARE NOT for beginner cyclists. 

All riders are expected to have experience in riding long distances in remote areas. You are also required to have knowledge in following a GPS course on their Garmin (or similar) and also how to hydrate and stay on top of your nutrition during long rides.

Mount Canobolas! Mount Canobolas! Mount Canobolas! Mount Canobolas! This is the final climb for both courses! It is far far far from a cake walk! There will be heavy breathing, maybe even some walking, there are prolonged sections of +10% - come prepared and do some training before the ride. 

Course 120km : You will be over 1,000m above sea-level for periods of this ride, going down to 460m above sea-level. See the profile and more details on the main page

Course 65km : Similar to the 120km course, you will be over 1,000m above sea-level for periods of this ride, your lowest elevation is ~770m above sea-level. See the profile and more details on the main page.


Keep an eye out for the signage on course - all designed by Fuel Sydney

The Region of Orange 360 : Camping and Caravaning is available at a number of different locations in throughout the area.

There are also plenty of Hotel, Motels, Farm Stays etc in the Orange 360 region. 

Surface : the conditions of the roads in the Orange 360 area can be patchy. The forestry roads, which riders will be riding through to start and finish the ride(s) are generally well hard packed gravel roads. There is always the chance that there will be sections of potholes and corrugations.

Mount Canobolas provides for a steep ascent and then the steep descent which takes you back to Lake Canobolas.

As with any type of riding, care must be taken and riders should ride to their own abilities. 

DO NOT bring a road or road-e bike, all courses are NOT suitable any style of road bike, even if they have ‘wide’ tires. Leave them at home!

We will be driving the course the week of the event and any major issues will be communicated to our riders via email in the WEEK BEFORE. This is also when riders will receive the Strava and Ride With GPS links for GPX files.

Water crossing : in 'normal' dry conditions, there will be no water crossings.

Depending on the weather in the lead up to event, there may be water crossings or boggy sections. We will update riders as mentioned above.

If it has been wet, we Highly Recommended that Riders wear WOOL SOCKS due to water crossings! 

Registered riders will be emailed the Strava and Ride With GPS links the week of the event 

This is where you can download the GPX file onto your GPS Device - more info below

Note that riding any of our courses flat out is not possible for most ‘ordinary’ riders. 

Come ride with your mates or find some new ones to enjoy the scenery and get through what is undoubtedly a tough day on the bike.  

We are all here for a common reason, that is to ride bikes in an amazing location and support local businesses and charities. 

These are Open Rides i.e. the roads are NOT closed and riders MUST abide by NSW road rules.


You are responsible to cover yourself for this event.

We highly recommend that you organise your own Third Party Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance.

If you have a membership with Bicycling NSW, AusCycling or similar, this will cover you.

We suggest you join one of the above and if you select AUSCycling they offer a policy for as little as $7 for their Lifestyle Cover - valid for ONE month only. Alternatively, you can get  Individual membership for one year with BicycleNSW - $125. 

For more information : AUSCycling OR BicycleNSW 

It is also highly recommended that riders have their own Private Health Insurance which also has Ambulance cover. 


To confirm, registered riders will be emailed the Strava and Ride With GPS link including GPX file the week of the event

We are waiting this close to the event because of road, gravel and weather conditions.

It is expected that riders have the route on a GPS device with mapping capabilities such as a Garmin (or similar). Riders will be in remote areas where there will be NO mobile phone coverage. 

If you do not have a Garmin (or similar), you must download the App Ride With GPS to your smart phone. Riders can download the Map so they can use the course when Offline, i.e. when out of mobile phone reception. For more information see the Ride With GPS help page - LINK.

In addition we will mark the course in different ways. 

There will be arrows at major intersections / There will be arrows sprayed on the ground / At points, there will be tape marking trees at major intersections

We need to make sure that you have the GPS downloaded on to your device incase the arrows have been removed or altered.   

Riders MUST use their GPS to assist in guiding through the course. It is also helpful to keep an eye on total distance and the time which you have been on the bike.

There are two options to use to follow the course on your smart phone

Option 1 : Ride With GPS

You must have the Ride With GPS App on your phone. The logo for this App is predominately black with an orange rider.

Once you have this App on your phone you can click the Course link - or sms it to yourself - and then the course will open it in that application.

Then tap the ‘bulls-eye’ on the bottom right of the screen to show ‘your location’.

Then follow the blue dot as you go around the course, following the red line.

You do NOT need to be a premium member to follow the route.

Option 2 : Strava

You must have the Strava App on your phone. The logo for this App is predominately orange with two white triangles/mountains.

Once you have this App on your phone you can click the Course link - or sms it to yourself - and then the course will open it in that application.

Then tap the ‘Use Route’ on the bottom of the screen then tap ’start’, also at the bottom.

That will bring up a large screen with numbers on it.

To bring up the map, click the bottom right smaller circle within a circle and that will bring up the map over the entire screen.

Then follow the blue dot as you go around the course, following the blue line.

You do NOT need to be a premium member to follow the route. 

goodnessgravel Orange will be using quiet secondary roads for the event.

Saturday 15 March 2025

125km  — Based on 30 kph > 18 kph

  • 0 > 30km : 7:30am > 9:11am

  • 31 > 60km : 8:30am > 10:49am

  • 61 > 90km : 9:30am > 12:27pm

  • 91 > 125km : 10:30am > 2:26pm

65km — Based on 30 kph > 18 kph

Two Wheel Tours
Focusing on gravel riding events
Contact us to start planning your next adventure